V_NN_ – T

Cordial Venom – VANNA – T

Cordial Venom, part of the collective The Venom Vision, is an artist that creates Edutainment, the combination of education and entertainment. Everything she does has to have substance and meaning while being attractive the human psych to keep you in tune with her frequency. This Project she commissioned me to create a design that would simply illustrate a connection to Vanna White, which the album is partially named after.  The Design features a simplified version of the the Wheel of Fortune‘s game board with the letters spieling out VANNA-T excluding the vowels. The Design for the back of the cover is modeled after the 5 Stages of Grief which is a big theme in the project. Its also accented with a retro like purple grid that gives it an early 80’s feel and a worn vinyl finish over the design.


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